One of the largest parking conventions in the world is upon us, and will call the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, its home from March 10th through the 13th. Filled with vendors and parking professionals from around the globe, this four day event will feature key-note speakers, industry leaders, seminars, an exhibit hall with parkings newest technologies and much more. With events happening around the clock, we have a brief rundown of what is new in 2013, and what is to be expected.
A new venue! This year PIE will be using the world class facility that is the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center. With more room, and more convenience to local transportation this will keep the focus on the important things at PIE 2013, like FREE PIE!
New Boot Camp: In years past this portion of PIE was reserved for newbies to the industry. Not this year. The segment will be split up into two sections. The first being for the new guys, and the second being geared toward managers of parking operations. Both are sure to be very informative and beneficial.
FREE PIE: Because who doesn’t love a play on words and free pie? Monday, March 11th and Tuesday, March 12th from 12pm – 1pm. Enjoy some free PIE in Hall F
Key Note Address by Craig Hickman: Author of The Oz Principle
When: Monday, March 11th, 10:00 am – 11:15 am
Thought leader and author of The Oz Principal, Hickman will speak on his groundbreaking approach to solving corporate issues, stresses that rise internally during work and how he believes each and every one of us is capable of success and learning from our failures
— PIE Cocktail Party Reception: Monday, March 11 – 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm
Donald E. Stephens CC Foyer area adjacent to Meeting Space & Lobby
— Speed Networking: Tuesday, March 12 – 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Conference Center
— PIE Eating Contest: Tuesday, March 12 – 12:30 pm
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center, Hall F Parking Today Stage
Schedule at a glance: An overview of the happenings at PIE 2013. Make to to make time for speakers, events and the trade show by checking out the complete schedule!
Floor Plan: Are you attending PIE 2013 as a featured company? Get a better grasp on where you will be featured in the trade show, and just how to navigate the space.
Hotel Info: Unlike years past you have hotel options to choose from when attending the PIE. Maybe you want to live like a king in the Hyatt, or try another option that wont break the bank. It’s on you this year!
SpotHero was in attendance with camera in had for PIE 2012.
Check out some of the highlights below.
Mark McNicholas talks about streamlining operations in the parking world (VIDEO)
Jeremy inquires about parking innovations (VIDEO)
Peter Young informs about Digital Printing System (VIDEO)