cars in new york city covered in snow

Beat the Sweep in 2024: Guide to Alternate Side Parking in NYC

New York City drivers know that finding street parking in the city is no easy feat. A special regulation called Alternate Side Parking (ASP) exists in New York City to suspend any street parking rules to allow for street cleanings. New York parkers are always on high alert, as some sweeps may happen as frequently as once or twice a week in some neighborhoods. In this ultimate guide, we will answer your most frequently asked questions about alternate side parking to make sure you NEVER get a street cleaning ticket ever again!

Is parking suspended in NYC today?

The easiest and quickest way to check if alternate side parking rules are in effect today is by checking the official @nyasp Twitter account. The account tweets the daily alternate side parking status each day at 7:30 a.m. EST and at 4 p.m. EST for the next day. A helpful tip: turn on tweet notifications to get sent to your phone and you’ll never forget when alternate side parking is suspended!

The NYC311 mobile app and The New York Department of Transportation website also offer email and text updates about alternate side parking rules for the day.

If you can’t locate the sign on the street, the New York City Department of Transportation has an interactive map that lets you search for all applicable street parking signs near you, including alternate side parking rules.

What is alternate side parking?

New York City is notorious for issuing parking fines of all sorts, raking in a record-breaking $1 billion of revenue in FY 2018 alone. In fact, NYC sits near the top of many “cities with the most expensive parking fines” lists. But alternate side parking tickets take the cake when you break down the types of tickets issued across the city. Not only does violating alternate side parking rules risk a ticket, but it also risks the city towing your vehicle, which causes an even bigger headache than moving your car in the first place. So how are you supposed to know which streets enforce which rules?

New York City alternate side parking signs are identified by a large “P” in a circle with a push broom crossing through it, usually adorned with a “DON’T LITTER” tagline. Next to the logo, you will find the specific days and hours of street cleanings. Hours of enforcement are typically 1 ½ hours or 3 hours but vary depending on the street. During those cleaning hours, you will have to park elsewhere. 

Can I park after the street sweeper passes?

No. Rules apply for the entire duration of the posted street cleaning times. Occasionally the street sweeper may go around the block twice to make sure it clears all leaves, snow, and debris, and parking, once you think it may have passed, can increase your risk of getting a ticket. Even if the street sweeper has gone by, you may still be subject to ticketing, or even worse, towing.

How much is a street cleaning ticket in NYC?

A street cleaning ticket can cost upwards of $65 if you violate regulations on Manhattan 96th St. or below. All other street cleaning tickets cost $45, which includes the boroughs: Queens, The Bronx, and Brooklyn. If you do happen to rack up a ticket, you can pay your ticket in person, by phone, or online.

When is alternate side parking suspended in NYC?

Alternate side parking rules may be suspended for a few reasons. Alternate side parking and the meters are never in effect on Sundays and on major legal and religious holidays. Be aware that when alternate side parking rules are suspended, you must still obey all posted regulations and may still be required to pay a meter, if applicable.

The perk of alternate side parking regulations is that they are often suspended for holidays, snow, severe weather, or emergencies. During these suspensions, drivers don’t have to worry about moving their cars and finding a new spot.

Emergency Suspensions

Emergency suspensions may occur when the DOT and Department of Sanitation identify heavy snowfall in the forecast and anticipate the streets need to be plowed. Once the snowfall stops, ASP rules will resume so plows can remove the snow.

Temporary Suspensions

Alternate side parking rules may be temporarily suspended on certain streets in the event the DOT is posting new street cleaning rules. Once the new signs have been posted, the city allows a one-week grace period for street cleaning tickets. After the grace period concludes, the newly posted rules will take effect.

NYC Alternate Side Parking Holiday Calendar 2024

Alternate side parking rules are suspended on all major holidays and various religious holidays. The NYC DOT publishes an annual calendar that includes all days for planned suspensions in 2024. You can anticipate alternate side parking on all major U.S. holidays like New Year’s Day and Thanksgiving, plus a handful of other holidays. 

Keep in mind that Black Friday is not considered a holiday of any sort (to the government at least) and it is reported more parking tickets are issued on Black Friday than on any other day of the year.

Jan 1, MonNew Year’s Day*
Jan 6, SatThree Kings’ Day
Jan 15, MonMartin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday
Feb 9, FriLunar New Year’s Eve
Feb 10, SatLunar New Year
Feb 12, MonLincoln’s Birthday
Feb 14, WedAsh Wednesday
Feb 19, MonWashington’s Birthday (Presidents Day)
Mar 24, SunPurim
Mar 28, ThursHoly Thursday
Mar 29, FriGood Friday
Apr 10-11, Wed-ThursEid al-Fitr
Apr 23-24, Tue-WedPassover
Apr 29-30, Mon-TuePassover (7th/8th Days)
May 2, ThursHoly Thursday (Orthodox)
May 3, FriGood Friday (Orthodox)
May 9, ThursSolemnity of the Ascension
May 27, MonMemorial Day*
June 12-13, Wed-ThursShavuot
June 17-18, Mon-TueEid al-Adha
June 19, WedJuneteenth
July 4, ThursIndependence Day*
Aug 13, TueTisha B’Av
Aug 15, ThursFeast of the Assumption
Sept 2, MonLabor Day*
Oct 3-4, Thurs-FriRosh Hashanah
Oct 12, SatYom Kippur
Oct 14, MonColumbus Day
Oct 17-18, Thurs-FriSuccoth (2 Days)
Oct 24, ThursShemini Atzereth
Oct 25, FriSimchas Torah
Nov 1, FriDiwali
Nov 1, FriAll Saints’ Day
Nov 5, TueElection Day
Nov 11, MonVeterans Day
Nov 28, ThursThanksgiving Day*
Dec 9, MonImmaculate Conception
Dec 25, WedChristmas Day*
*Asterisk indicates a major legal U.S. holiday

NYC Parking App

With parking rules suspended, many people will also be searching for an alternative parking spot nearby. A great option to guarantee a spot free of street parking regulations is the SpotHero parking app. You can easily search for off-street parking all over New York City, book a spot, and park instantly. Find covered garages to avoid a blizzard or book valet and let someone else handle parking your car. You can even request a notification when your reservation is about to end. Happy parking New Yorkers!