Tag: chicago parking
New Halsted Belmont Parking Ban
Effective August 19th 2011 There are new late night parking restrictions for parking on weekends. The parking restrictions will include: Halsted – Belmont to Buckingham – Both Sides Belmont – Clark to Halsted – Both Sides Friday (to Saturday morning) – Saturday (to Sunday morning) – Sunday (to Monday morning) 12:00 Midnight – 5:00am See…
White Sox Parking – White Sox Vs. Kansas City Royals Sept 23rd
You can reserve parking for $17 in the official White Sox Parking Lot D. You can reserve parking by clicking that link. This lot is the closest lot and is located across the street from U.S Cellular Field. Parking Lot D is premium parking and these passes normally sell for $25 if you can obtain one….
White Sox Parking – White Sox Vs. Minnesota Twins August 31st
You can reserve parking for $17 in the official White Sox Parking Lot D. You can reserve parking by clicking that link. This lot is the closest lot and is located across the street from U.S Cellular Field. Parking Lot D is premium parking and these passes normally sell for $25 if you can obtain one….
Selling Your Parking Space at Wrigley
Reserve Cubs Parking This tweet came across the feed today. This couldn’t show better what is wrong with the current way parking spots are sold at Wrigley Field. Currently, Aaron has to stand on a street corner holding a sign in the cold rain to sell his parking spot for cubs games. Wrigley Field…
Wrigleyville Street Closures and Parking Restrictions 44th Ward
Upcoming Paul McCartney Concert At Wrigley Field to Cause Street Closures And Parking Restrictions You can reserve parking for Paul McCartney Concerts at Wrigley Field. Below are the two concerts parking is available for. Paul McCartney Wrigley Field Parking July 31, 2011 Paul McCartney Wrigley Field Parking August 1, 2011 Below are the area street…
Paul McCartney Concert Set Up Starts July 25th
Paul McCartney Concert Wrigley Field Setup Begins on Monday July 25, 2011 At approximately 7am on Monday; Trucks, Cranes and Forklifts will begin assembling in the area near the intersections of Waveland and Sheffield. This is a big undertaking. Transforming Wrigley Field into a Concert venue with increased seating is no small undertaking. Stay…